Consistency + Discipline = Results

Consistency + Discipline = Results

We’re given lots of advice as we move through our days. Some advice sticks with us and we make it part of our everyday routine. Most of the advice, however, is forgotten in the flurry of our modern lives.

One piece of advice given over and over is that if we want good skin, we must take care of it. Skincare advice runs the gamut from just applying a little moisturizer at night, to a 17 step Korean skincare routine that can take up to 30 minutes. Like most advice, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.


My experience is that the key to good skin is consistency. Different types of skin require different skincare products and routines, but what makes them effective is the discipline in following the routine on a consistent basis.


The first step is to figure out what works for your skin. The best approach is to start with professional advice from a dermatologist or a trusted aesthetician. After you have a baseline idea on what works for your skin, have a trial-and-error period.


My best advice is not to fall for fancy packaging or hype but to look at the active ingredients in the skincare product. In most instances, active ingredients such as Niacinamide or Hyaluronic Acid can be purchased quite reasonably from brands such as The Ordinary.


Sticking with active ingredients provides the benefit of guaranteeing that you use only what you want, without a long list of unnecessary ingredients such as synthetic perfumes and other chemicals that can aggravate rather than help your skin.


The second step is to tweak your routine with the changing needs of your skin. Consistent does not mean static. The routine that might have worked for you in your twenties might backfire in your forties. Our skin changes with age, seasons, geography, hormones, pregnancy, stress, etc. While we understandably get attached to our tried-and-true routines, we must be willing to admit that something is no longer working and change it up based on our new reality.


The best version of our skin is achievable with a little discipline and consistency. Let Lunaescent help you keep your skincare products germ free and its active ingredients at their optimum performance level.